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Tailored to your family needs


ABA Therapy

Improving social, academic and communication skills

Known as the 'gold standard' therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder. ABA helps us understand how behaviour works, how our environment influences our behaviour (situational factors), and how learning occurs. The main goal of ABA is to teach helpful skills and decrease defiant behaviours that may be harmful to others/ourselves. ABA can also assist with developing good language and communication skills; help those with ADHD and/or ASD improve attention, focus, social skills, self-help skills and memory; and assist with decreasing problematic behaviours.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Collaborative and Practical

CBT is a credible and reliable treatment method that helps patients understand the tridirectional/integral relationship between our feelings (emotions), actions (behaviours), and thoughts (cognition). On this premise, negative and unrealistic thoughts can lead to distress, substantially impacting our relationships and mental wellbeing. Empirical evidence has shown that CBT is effective for treating various mental health conditions including depression, anxiety disorders, OCD, phobias, PTSD, and substance abuse (e.g., alcohol or drugs). CBT helps patient to acknowledge negative thinking patterns and their impacts, helping to stop them at their tracks and increase mindfulness and self-awareness. Directly addressing this tridirectional/integral relationship can help prevent the escalation of mental health conditions and provide therapy to help overcome mental struggles.


School Observations

Understanding the school experience

Conducted inconspicuously, a school observation can assess a child's social behaviours, school readiness skills, academic skills and classroom participation. School observations help parents and teachers better understand how to support a child in the classroom. Whether its following a big change such as changing of schools/curriculum, new teacher or simply transitioning up a year, understanding how to support your child can ease academic stress, improve social emotional wellbeing and strength school perception.


School Neuropsychology Assessments

Understanding your child's strengths and weaknesses 

Want to gain a better understanding of your child's academic strengths and weaknesses? A School Neuropsychology report can tap into various cognitive domains which contribute to learning  in amongst academic skills such as  memory, attention, visual spatial skills, verbal skills.


Helper Training

Child Care

Managing your child's care can be stressful and can become even more challenging if your child is struggling with emotional or behavioural difficulties. Whether it's the terrible twos, toddler tantrums or tween meltdowns, ensuring your helpers are experienced will help make home life easier for all. Helper training enables your helpers to learn the best techniques to manager behaviours and discover how to develop a positive relationship with your child.


Parent Training


Maintaining a positive relationship with your child whilst dealing with tantrums or disruptive behaviours can be difficult. Whether it's the terrible twos, toddler tantrums or tween meltdowns, tantrums are a normal aspect of child development. Ensuring you are equipped with the right tools and techniques to manage your child’s behaviours will not only ease stress but assist in maintaining a positive relationship with your child.


Teacher Training

Improving teacher to student relationships

A great way to improve classroom management skills, build positive relationships with students and increase differentiation. Teacher training can be particularly helpful for younger years teachers struggling with tantrums, defiant beahviours and building rapport.


Executive Function Training

Getting organised and motivated

Working 1 on 1 to teach executive function skills to get organised, manage time, increase motivation and self-regulate.

Services: Services
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